The Third Annual Fleur de Wheelie Awards were held this year at Finn McCools on August 28th.

Sonic Boom Award: The Speediest Rollergirl: Trixie la Femme
Apple Pie Award: The Rollergirl You Most Want To Take Home To Your Mother: Deb U Taunt
Crash-Zone Crush Award: The Rollergirl You Most Want To Land In Your Lap: SmasHer
Furnished Flesh Award: Favorite Tattooed Rollergirl: Ibeatya Amber
Chief of Skate: Rollergirl Most Likely To Be President of the United States: SmasHer
Flair Award: Best Dressed Rollergirl: Lush Fatale
Nom de Pummel Award: Rollergirl Who Most Lives Up To Her Name: Balls-Out Betty
Under the Radar Award: Most Underrated Rollergirl: duMaine Attraction
Purple Heart Award: Favorite Injured Rollergirl: SmasHer
Dark Alley Award: Most Intimidating Rollergirl: Beatrix sKiddo
Dorothy Parker is a Liar Award: Favorite Four-Eyed Rollergirl: Jambot
ER Award: Rollergirl Most Likely To Put You On a Gurney: CHEAP THR!LL
After-School Special Award: Favorite Rollergirl Mom: MILF Duds
The People's Champion Award: Favorite Team: The Crescent Wenches
Golden Mic Award: Favorite Announcer: Reverend Psych Ward
Fun Police Award: Cleverest Persona in all of Refdom: Luna Skategood
Tanned Zebra Award: Favorite Ref You Love To Hate: Henry Roll-ins
The Never Ending Month: Favorite Calendar Month of 2009: 1970s Skate Rink
Artistic License: Favorite Bout Poster: January 2009 Bout Poster by Abby Heckenlively
Amped-Up Award: Favorite Half-time Band: G String Blue Grass Band
Derby 24/7 Award: Favorite Afterparty Place: Finn McCools
Jammer of the Year Award: Coalminer’s Slaughter
Pivot of the Year Award: ChessTosterone
Blocker of the Year Award: Deuce McMaliceHer
MVP Award: Deuce McMaliceHer
The Cardiac Muscle Award; The Heart of the Team: SmasHer
Jammer of the Year Award: Wit Vicious
Pivot of the Year Award: Louise Ze Animal
Blocker of the Year Award: Pontchartrain BeAtch
MVP Award: lacy underalls
The Cardiac Muscle Award; The Heart of the Team: Crusty McKnuckle
Jammer of the Year Award: Trixie la Femme
Pivot of the Award: Balls-Out Betty
Blocker of the Year Award: Ibeatya Amber
MVP Award: 3 WAY TIE: Balls-Out Betty AND Ibeatya Amber AND Trixie la Femme
The Cardiac Muscle Award; The Heart of the Team: AnnihilAsian
Hell's Angel Award; Most Average Overall Penalties: Ruffit with 15
Heaven's Angel Award; Least Average Overall Penalties: Joan Cougar Menstrualcramp with 3
One Night Stand Award; Most Points Scored In A Bout: Trixie la Femme with 57 points in the October Bout.
Bench Warmer Award; Most Penalties In A Bout: Ruffit with 19 penalties in the October Bout.
Smack Down Award; Most Points In A Jam: Trixie la Femme with 24 points in the October Bout.
Teacher's Pet Award; Best Attendance: Deuce McMaliceHer
Time Served Award; Most Community Service Hours: SmasHer
Magazine of the Year: New Orleans Magazine
Radio DJ of the Year: Steven "Voodoo" Powell of WTUL
DJ of the Year: Dr. Gumbo
Photographer of the Year: Scott Stuntz
Roadie of the Year: Wayne Tullier
Volunteer of the Year: Frank Hopkins
Fan of the Year: Shoeless
TV Station of the Year: WWL 4
Event of the Year: San Fermin in Nueva Orleans
Honorary Rollergirl: Krewe of the Rolling Elvi
Honorary Rollergirl: The Pussyfooters
Honorary Rollergirl: Pauline Patterson
Rocky Award: Hardest Hitter: Deuce McMaliceHer
Blocker of the Year Award: Balls-Out Betty
Pivot of the Year Award: Louise Ze Animal
Jammer of the Year Award: Beatrix sKiddo
Bootyvicious Award: Best Booty Blocker: Ponchartrain BeAtch
Comeback Kid Award: Rollergirl Coming Back From An Injury: Balls-Out Betty
Wash Your Mouth Out With Soap Award: Best Trash Talker: AnnihilAsian
Shiver & Shake Award: Most Feared: Balls-Out Betty
Golden Whistle Award: Ref You Don't Mind Sending You To The Penalty Box: MaMalicious
Florence Nightengale Award: Most Charitable: Cooney Coo-Coo
Rah-Rah Award: Best Team Spirit: CHEAP THR!LL
James Brown Award: Hardest Workin' Girl in Roller Derby: Victoria von Doom
Over the Shoulder Award: Rollergirl You Will Be Looking Out For Next Year (Skater Not On A Team): Jas Lounge
The Perseverance Award: Rollergirl Who Never Gives Up: Joan Cougar Menstrualcramp
Golden Sideline: Rollergirl You Most Want On The Sidelines With You: lacy underalls
Golden Teammate: Rollergirl You Most Want in the Pack with You: Balls-Out Betty
Derby Widow Award: Best Derby Partner: Shane Thomas aka Mr. Wit Vicious

The show opened with Cyn Valdivia, one of our derby kids, reciting an original poem she wrote regarding The Big Easy Rollergirls.
The Pussyfooters roused the crowd with a riotous cheer and the formal announcement of our two glorious emcees, Skip 4Play and The Reverend Psych Ward.
Slack Adjustor jump started the crowd even more with "The Battle of The Big Easy Rollergirls," followed with a sing-a-long of our state song, "You Are My Sunshine."
First up were the Fan Awards. The lovely Vannas for the night, Roxie and Afro, assisted in delivering the Fleur de Wheelies to the lucky recipients.
Go Go Max Berandi then delivered The Confederacy of Punches Team Song "C.O.P" while Bella Blue and Company accompanied by dance.
MILF DUDS from TEAM BERG MS spoke about their upcoming two day, 150-mile bike ride to benefit multiple sclerosis.
The coveted Fleur de Wheelies continued with The Team Awards. Go Go Max and Bella then performed The Crescent Wenches Song, "Wench Wall."
Next up were the Stats Award hosted by refs S'Aint No Lady, Henry Roll-ins and Mamalicious.
S'Aint, Henry, Mama
Trixie la Femme and SmasHer continued with The Honorary Awards and Newbie Induction Ceremony - bestowing the traditional roller derby, bearing necklaces on our newest BERG sisters.
Afterward, Go Go Max and Bella performed The Storyvillains team song, "Villains."
Skip and The Reverend continued the awards with the final League Awards.
Belle BERG DEVO closed the show with their derby rendition of All The Stinky Ladies (Put Febreeze On It).
The party continued after all the Fleur de Wheelie Awards were handed out with "The Most Likely Awards" hosted by Deuce, Dumaine, and Deb. The crowd then enjoyed the debut of Centerpunch's new music video starring The Big Easy Rollergirls!










Calendar Girls: Deuce, lacy, Slaughter, Dumaine, MILF

Frank Hopkins
Winners of the 3rd Annual Fleur de Wheelie Awards
Apple Pie Award: The Rollergirl You Most Want To Take Home To Your Mother: Deb U Taunt
Crash-Zone Crush Award: The Rollergirl You Most Want To Land In Your Lap: SmasHer
Furnished Flesh Award: Favorite Tattooed Rollergirl: Ibeatya Amber
Chief of Skate: Rollergirl Most Likely To Be President of the United States: SmasHer
Flair Award: Best Dressed Rollergirl: Lush Fatale
Nom de Pummel Award: Rollergirl Who Most Lives Up To Her Name: Balls-Out Betty
Under the Radar Award: Most Underrated Rollergirl: duMaine Attraction
Purple Heart Award: Favorite Injured Rollergirl: SmasHer
Dark Alley Award: Most Intimidating Rollergirl: Beatrix sKiddo
Dorothy Parker is a Liar Award: Favorite Four-Eyed Rollergirl: Jambot
ER Award: Rollergirl Most Likely To Put You On a Gurney: CHEAP THR!LL
After-School Special Award: Favorite Rollergirl Mom: MILF Duds
The People's Champion Award: Favorite Team: The Crescent Wenches
Golden Mic Award: Favorite Announcer: Reverend Psych Ward
Fun Police Award: Cleverest Persona in all of Refdom: Luna Skategood
Tanned Zebra Award: Favorite Ref You Love To Hate: Henry Roll-ins
The Never Ending Month: Favorite Calendar Month of 2009: 1970s Skate Rink
Artistic License: Favorite Bout Poster: January 2009 Bout Poster by Abby Heckenlively
Amped-Up Award: Favorite Half-time Band: G String Blue Grass Band
Derby 24/7 Award: Favorite Afterparty Place: Finn McCools
Jammer of the Year Award: Coalminer’s Slaughter
Pivot of the Year Award: ChessTosterone
Blocker of the Year Award: Deuce McMaliceHer
MVP Award: Deuce McMaliceHer
The Cardiac Muscle Award; The Heart of the Team: SmasHer
Pivot of the Year Award: Louise Ze Animal
Blocker of the Year Award: Pontchartrain BeAtch
MVP Award: lacy underalls
The Cardiac Muscle Award; The Heart of the Team: Crusty McKnuckle
Pivot of the Award: Balls-Out Betty
Blocker of the Year Award: Ibeatya Amber
MVP Award: 3 WAY TIE: Balls-Out Betty AND Ibeatya Amber AND Trixie la Femme
The Cardiac Muscle Award; The Heart of the Team: AnnihilAsian
Heaven's Angel Award; Least Average Overall Penalties: Joan Cougar Menstrualcramp with 3
One Night Stand Award; Most Points Scored In A Bout: Trixie la Femme with 57 points in the October Bout.
Bench Warmer Award; Most Penalties In A Bout: Ruffit with 19 penalties in the October Bout.
Smack Down Award; Most Points In A Jam: Trixie la Femme with 24 points in the October Bout.
Teacher's Pet Award; Best Attendance: Deuce McMaliceHer
Time Served Award; Most Community Service Hours: SmasHer
Radio DJ of the Year: Steven "Voodoo" Powell of WTUL
DJ of the Year: Dr. Gumbo
Photographer of the Year: Scott Stuntz
Roadie of the Year: Wayne Tullier
Volunteer of the Year: Frank Hopkins
Fan of the Year: Shoeless
TV Station of the Year: WWL 4
Event of the Year: San Fermin in Nueva Orleans
Honorary Rollergirl: Krewe of the Rolling Elvi
Honorary Rollergirl: The Pussyfooters
Honorary Rollergirl: Pauline Patterson
Rocky Award: Hardest Hitter: Deuce McMaliceHer
Blocker of the Year Award: Balls-Out Betty
Pivot of the Year Award: Louise Ze Animal
Jammer of the Year Award: Beatrix sKiddo
Bootyvicious Award: Best Booty Blocker: Ponchartrain BeAtch
Comeback Kid Award: Rollergirl Coming Back From An Injury: Balls-Out Betty
Wash Your Mouth Out With Soap Award: Best Trash Talker: AnnihilAsian
Shiver & Shake Award: Most Feared: Balls-Out Betty
Golden Whistle Award: Ref You Don't Mind Sending You To The Penalty Box: MaMalicious
Florence Nightengale Award: Most Charitable: Cooney Coo-Coo
Rah-Rah Award: Best Team Spirit: CHEAP THR!LL
James Brown Award: Hardest Workin' Girl in Roller Derby: Victoria von Doom
Over the Shoulder Award: Rollergirl You Will Be Looking Out For Next Year (Skater Not On A Team): Jas Lounge
The Perseverance Award: Rollergirl Who Never Gives Up: Joan Cougar Menstrualcramp
Golden Sideline: Rollergirl You Most Want On The Sidelines With You: lacy underalls
Golden Teammate: Rollergirl You Most Want in the Pack with You: Balls-Out Betty
Derby Widow Award: Best Derby Partner: Shane Thomas aka Mr. Wit Vicious
Rookie of the Year Award: Deuce McMaliceHer
Walt Whitman Award; O'Captain My Captain, Favorite Captain Award: SmasHer
MIP: Most Improved Player: Joan Cougar Menstrualcramp
MVP: Most Valuable Player: lacy underalls
Ms. Big Easy Rollergirl Award: Rollergirl Who Most Personifies BERG: Trixie la Femme
A lot of work went into the planning and preparation for The Fleur de Wheelie Awards. The Big Easy Rollergirls would like to thank the following "civilians" for all of their help and support: Jack Miele, John Haffner, Bill Asher, Dylan O'Donnell, Michael Cain, Scott Frilot, Pauline Patterson, Bella Blue, Slack Adjustor, Go Go Max Bernardi, Glenn May, Andreas Koch, and Scott Stuntz.
Thank You! We Will See You At The Bouts!
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